Sleep Tight

I am what you might call an “active sleeper”. I often move, twitch, and jerk in my sleep. It doesn’t disrupt my sleep in anyway, in fact I was a little surprised at just how active I can be at night. It also seems to by much worse after a long training day or a longer race. It almost seems like I am still attempting to swim, bike, and run, while I sleep.

sleep1So, because I wanted to rule out any serious neurological problems or conditions that might be causing my nocturnal over activity, I agreed to do an overnight sleep study a couple of weeks ago. As the photos will indicate, every possible bodily function and movement was wired for overnight monitoring. My wires were even wired. My brainwaves, respiratory, Pulse O2, heart rate, muscle movements were all closely monitored throughout a one night study at the Taylor Hospital Sleep Lap in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania. And of course while I slept, “they watched” via a closed circuit camera.

I felt like I had an extra 50 pounds of weights and restraints glued, buckled, or attached to me. Probably because – I had an extra 50 pounds of weights and restraints glued, buckled, or attached to me. The technician finished connecting me and plugging me in at about 11 PM at which point he hit the lights and wished me a good night’s sleep. That seemed like an improbable task because I felt that I awoke with every movement in bed. Something tugged or pulled no matter how I positioned myself.

Although it didn’t seem like I slept very soundly, the test results proved differently. At 6 AM, Gary my sleep tech woke me up and said that they had recorded good data and therefore the study was considered “ successful”. The next step was a follow up appointment with the initial sleep doctor that I saw to review the findings. I am happy to report that my sleep pattern, “architecture”, and all bio feedback and vital signs were perfect. In short, there is no medical reason for my activity. What this means is that they officially diagnosed me with Periodic Limb Movement Disorder.

sleep2Translation? “I am what you might call an “active sleeper”. I often move, I twitch, and I jerk in my sleep. It doesn’t disrupt my sleep in anyway in fact I was a little surprised at just how active I can be at night. It also seems to by much worse after a long training day or a longer race. It almost seems like I am still attempting to swim, bike, and run, while I sleep”

Treatment? A new mattress capable of hosting Olympic games on one half while providing a calm and restful environment on the other half. And/or a healthy dose of vitamin “M” (Merlot) before retiring. I’ll keep you posted on this one!

Sweet dreams

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  1. Posted February 2, 2011 at | Permalink

    Opt for the Merlot treatment………

  2. Steve Handwerker
    Posted February 2, 2011 at | Permalink

    hahahahhaaaaaa! Brilliantly written!!!

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