Train, Endure, Achieve, Matter.

Stephen Brown

I draw parallel lines between the challenges we face in sport and those we face in life and try to use my involvement in the multisport world as a tool to encourage people to break through barriers and understand that all things are possible. Hopefully within the confines of these cyber walls, you will catch a glimpse of a guy who is trying to do his part, be it ever so small, to promote positive change.

Pouring the Foundation

I’ve been slowly laying the bricks for what will become the next chapter in my life. As many folks know, I’ve been working very closely with the cancer community for many years. And my plan is to do even more in the coming months and next year. I’ve recently acquired a couple of additional certifications [...]

ACS HEALED & West Chester U

I recently appeared on a webinar discussing exercise and cancer. This was a collaboration beteen The American Cancer Society and West Chester University. The entire segment is 30 minutes long and I come in at 9:35.
Click HERE to watch!!

Movement Sports Magazine is BACK

Many of you know that for years I wrote for a multisport publication called Liberty Sports Magazine, which later evolved into Movement Sports Magazine. Movement Sports fell onto some tough times and needed to take a little break but I’m happy to report that we are putting the band back together as the new Movement [...]

Interview with Pat Croce & ACS

I recently did another brief inspirational video with Pat Croce for the American Cancer Society’s HEALED initiative. You can check it out HERE!

Cancer Exercise Specialist Certification

I committed to doing a thing. Many people know that for the last 16 years I have been volunteering to mentor and consult cancer patients on a variety of topics including fitness and exercise. And this is something I will continue to do. To add further value to this, I enrolled in a Cancer Exercise [...]

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  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
  • Stephen Brown
"Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi
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