Leukemia & Lymphoma Society – Still Time to Make a Difference

Secure, online donations can be made HERE

So, my Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Man of the Year campaign is rapidly coming to a close. The Grand Finale is this Thursday June 17th at which time a Man and Woman of the year will be recognized. I have a few final incentives that I can toss out in an effort to get a few more online donations. Please take a second and read on.

First, you still have two days to make a donation to earn a chance at a race entry to the 2011 Philadelphia Insurance Triathlon. This also includes hotel accommodations for TWO, a training plan, and a goody bag valued at over $200. Complete details can be found HERE.

Next, I have free passes to both Great Adventure and the Helium Comedy Club on Sansom Street in Philadelphia and these offers will work as follows:

For the Great Adventure single day passes, click on my fundraising site HERE and make a $100 tax deductible donation. I will give away TWO free Great Adventure passes good through September for each $100 donation to the next TWENTY people who make a donation. These tickets are valued at almost the amount of the pledge!

For the Helium Comedy Club passes, click on my fundraising site HERE and make a $50 tax deductible donation. I will give away TWO free Helium Comedy Club to the THREE people who make that $50 donation.

Got it? Of course you can also click on the above link and make a pledge of any amount if the incentives are not of interest.

I’m almost out of time so please help me in this last few days.

Thanks for everyone’s continued support.

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One Comment

  1. Posted June 19, 2010 at | Permalink

    Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article

"Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi
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