National Cancer Survivors Day 2021 is Coming!

197319324_10226045122662533_1588725611016742197_nNational Cancer Survivors Day is almost upon us. And I for one plan to make it much more than a single day celebration. So buckle up. Today I look back on the book that I wrote 6 years ago. This was the fifth book I had written and I felt that it was a pretty comprehensive snapshot of my cancer story. And it was…. 6 years ago.

As the cancer Wheel of (mis)Fortune would have it, my body stopped responding to the chemo drug Bendeka, which I spoke about in great detail in the book, not long after that book was published. In time we would turn to the next treatment drug in the arsenal; Ibrutinib, which is what I’m still on today. Some may look at that as a failure of one drug which forced us to look to another. I’ve made the choice to view it differently. The fact is, throughout my 15 year journey, I’ve been on rituxan, fludara, bendeka, decadron, prednisone, and Ibrutinib to keep my leukemia in check. And I don’t look at any of those drugs as having failed me. Rather, I embrace the reality that anytime I’ve needed a different answer, one was available for me. And I embrace the fact that there are more available options at the ready and others in the pipeline. There have been many more chapters to my story since that book came out. And there are times that I wonder if I have a continuation in me. Maybe I do someday, but not today.

197313453_10226045122622532_4688561822834653901_nToday I just celebrate my place on this planet and try to laugh often and not take my said place on said planet too seriously. Peace. #survivor #cancer #nationalcancersurvivorsday #ncsd #lls #cll #remission #ibrutinib #bendeka #fludara #rituxan

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