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Tag Archives: ibrutinib
Hello Again
Well, well, well.
I am very guilty of being very neglectful of my site here, having not posted anything in what seems like a lifetime. Life has just been that crazy. I’ll try to bring you up to speed on a few things with the commitment to be better at updating going forward.
As we [...]
I’m on TOP
Last week I had a follow up with my oncolodoc. My blood work continues to behave and is responding exactly as hoped now being on the targeted therapy drug Ibrutinib for 5 months to treat my chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The road to “normalcy” continues but for all intents and purposes I FEEL no evidence of [...]
Posted in cancer, survivor Also tagged blood cancer, chemotherapy, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, cll, happy dance, janssen pharmaceuticals, luna peak company, snow companies, targeted therapy Comments closed
OCNJ 10 Miler & Ibrutinib
My first full week with my new oral chemo had me feeling good enough to jump into the Ocean City New Jersey 10 miler. And I felt beyond great.
It was just a perfect day with much to be thankful for. Especially my wife Mary Grace for always being ….. everything. I could never do what [...]
Posted in cancer, running Also tagged imbruvica, janssen pharmaceuticals, johnson & johnson, ocean city 10 miler, ocnj, pharmacyclics, snow companies, survivor Comments closed
Hope, Belief, Trust, and Science
For over 12 years I’ve lived with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. There is no cure for this chronic blood cancer today. When things go well, you strive to manage the disease and treat it with conventional therapies when symptoms become problematic. Remission is the perpetual goal. And for over 12 years, we’ve done just that. With [...]
Posted in cancer, health & fitness, motivation Also tagged blood cancer, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, cll, imbruvica, janssen pharmaceuticals, johnson & johnson, pharmacyclics, remission, snow companies Comments closed
Day 5 with Ibrutinib
Well, I am most ecstatic to give this update on what is now day 5 of my new chemo drug, Ibrutinib. While proven to be quite effective, there are a number of possible side effects associated with this drug. The keyword for me so far is “possible” because I have felt little to zero side [...]
Posted in cancer, survivor Also tagged chronic lymphocytic leukemia, cll, janssen pharmaceuticals, johnson & johnson, pharmacyclics, snow companies Comments closed
A New Chapter
For 12 years I’ve managed my CLL by reacting to flare ups and relapses with periodic chemo treatments using drugs like Bendeka, Fludara, and Rituxan, and megadoses of steroids like Decadron, Prednidone. That accounted for 54 rounds of toxic chemo and God only knows how many steroid cycles over those 12 years.
I experienced another flare [...]
Posted in cancer, health & fitness, leukemia & lymphoma society Also tagged blood cancer, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, cll, imbruvica, janssen pharmaceuticals, johnson & johnson, pharmacyclics, snow companies Comments closed
National Cancer Survivors Day 2021 is Coming!