Tag Archives: motivation

The Courage to Succeed

How do you define success in a race? For some, success equals winning. But “winning” itself may also take on different meanings for different people. Does finishing with a PR define your success? Or does simply finishing the race determine that your day was successful? Such that your finisher medal is your living proof of [...]
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The (Bright) View from the Bottom

What a difference a year makes. I’ve started this post several times in the last few months but just couldn’t find it in me to finish it. For whatever reason, and perhaps it’s all just part of the healing process, I feel like it’s finally the right time to share. I need to get this [...]
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When Life Happens, and Then Doesn’t

I know I’ve been a little quiet as of late. Perhaps you haven’t noticed. It’s been a rough several months for me and my family. I’ll try not to dwell too much on the things that have gone wrong, however, I think mentioning them helps me keep focused on moving forward, with brief pauses for [...]
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Still Standing (I Think)

Still Standing (I Think) I know we shouldn’t live our lives in the past. And I know nobody can predict or completely plan for what the future holds, so worrying too much about that is pretty senseless. (And I fully realize that both of those notions are easier said that done.) So then that leaves us [...]
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Dear Everyone in the World

I heard you are going through a bit of a rough patch. While I can’t say that I know exactly what you are feeling, I can say that I understand rough patches. I understand feeling a little lost and broken. One thing that only patience and experience teaches you is that “rough patches” really are [...]
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A Wish

If I could have just one wish… OK so maybe I can’t really articulate my desires into just one wish. But if I could conceptually change one way of thinking, it would be that we stop living life through the I, me, mine lens, and channel our energies into the fine arts of compassion and [...]
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Life’s Ring of Keys

With each passing day I am reminded more and more how all of this stuff is connected and how each of us are somehow related to our neighbor. And with each passing day, I am reminded that the lessons I’ve learned about life, about dealing with disease, about work, about sports, or about anything else [...]
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Ironman Redefined

I can’t believe it has been 6 years. On this date in 2005 I lost my father. He checked into a hospital in June and never left the ICU. This is always a hard time for me and it’s been a rough couple of days. Today, for obvious reasons, is the worst. I really wish [...]
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It’s Just a (Bigger) Number

The funny thing about the concept of age and the multisport athlete is that it really is just a number. We are all kids. We may feel like 150 year old kids the day after a tough event. But we bounce back like kids too.
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Building the Perfect Beast

But the title speaks to much more than multisport training. “The Beast” concept hit me again the other day when I was responding to a friend’s email and I realized that I am constantly in a state of building or creating something or charting a course to somewhere.
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"Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi
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