Tag Archives: two oceans ultra marathon

Wide Open Doors

For quite some time now I have stood by the statement that my leukemia diagnosis has opened more doors than it has closed and created more opportunities than it has taken away. I truly believe that but thought it would be even more enlightening to write down just what some of these opportunities have been. [...]
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Two Oceans Ultra Marathon – Part 5 Race Day

As expected, I didn't sleep all that well on Friday night. But I am quite accustomed to not sleeping the night before a race and try to make sure I have some extra rest hours in the bank the couple of days leading up to race day. We all started to congregate in the living room area of the guest house by 4:45. Our wonderful guest house proprietors, Tonia and Paul had the coffee on and pre bagged breakfast to go ready for everyone. Love those guys.
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Two Oceans Ultra Marathon – Part 4

Had a pretty good in flight lunch of tortellini . At least I guess it was lunch. Then settled in and watched Lincoln on my little monitor. Good flick. Really liked it for sure. Also finished another couple of chapters of Dean Karnazes' book "run". Five hours in and I was still feeling great. Oh! Nicole Delma to the rescue with Oreos ! Thanks Cole. It's funny because all the shades are drawn so it feels like the middle of the night. In reality it is 4:30 est but 10:30 Cape Town time. But I figured it was happy hour somewhere and declared it time for a beer.
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Two Oceans Ultra Marathon – Part 3

So folks... the time has nearly come. Chances are the next time you hear from me will be from South Africa as I am being picked up tomorrow morning at 4:30 AM to be whisked off to JFK airport in NYC. I want to think everything is done. I haven't actually packed everything into bags yet, but that's my job today. I need to make another quick run to the store (drive that is) and then I can pack up. And I think once that is done, I will feel really "ready". I did just check in online though and printed my boarding pass so mark that off the to do list.
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Two Oceans Ultra Marathon – Part 2

My last long run is done. I don't know if my training formula was perfect but I don't think it was a bad one. My rationale is this; I have "faked" my way through many marathons with much less training than I have put into this effort. So.... I would consider myself in pretty good marathon shape.
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Two Oceans Ultra Marathon – Part 1

In 2012 I felt like my race calendar was getting a little stagnant. I still loved what I was doing but some of the races I was doing were starting to feel like just another day at the office. I have raced 11 ironman triathlons and 20 marathons and God knows how many shorter course events – and I love those distances and races. But I was searching for something different, or bigger, or just “more”.
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Happiness Is…

I am happy to report that I had an oncology follow up appointment this past Friday....
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South Africa, Two Oceans Interview

I was recently contacted by Kolosa Vuso with the South African marketing firm Tenfour Media to answer a few questions regarding my participation in the upcoming Two Oceans Ultra Marathon in Cape Town South Africa.  The timing was quite ironic because I was just starting to contemplate a blog post on this very topic. I’m not [...]
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Welcome Nathan Sports

I want to both welcome and thank Nathan Sports for their support of Grassroot Soccer and the Two Oceans Grassroot Soccer Ultra Marathon team. I am looking forward to a great relationship with this outstanding organization.
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Donate to Two Oceans Ultra Marathon – South Africa

I am once again supporting Ethan Zohn and Grassroot Soccer in their quest to create an AIDS free world, mobilized through soccer. This time, I am taking on a 56 KM ultra marathon in South Africa
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"Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi
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