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Category Archives: motivation
ACS DetermiNation
Greetings!! I am most stoked to let ya’ll know that I am going to be lending my energy, motivation, and expertise to the American Cancer Society’s DetermiNation program. This is a program that offers training and support for people to participate in running and cycling events while raising valuable funds and awareness for their mission. [...]
Also posted in cancer, charity, coaching, cycling, health & fitness Tagged American Cancer Society, cancer Comments closed
I was recently a guest of Pat Croce’s on the American Cancer Society’s initiative HEALED. The full segment is about an hour long and I come in at around the 25 minute mark. You can check it out here:
Welcome Calquence
My new weapon of choice in the ongoing battle against chronic lymphocytic leukemia. My last med was quite effective for about 3 years but then started yielding some undesirable side effects so we opted to move on down the line in treatment options. In my 15 + plus years living with this, I’ve now been [...]
Also posted in cancer, survivor Tagged astra zeneca, blood cancer, calquence, cll, leukemia, ratted therapy Comments closed
Team Relentless Grace
A week ago we were entertaining the concept of a running wheelchair to run and race with MG. Fast forward a week and BOOM…. Thanks to some very generous donors who contributed to our crowdfunding effort we placed our running chair order today! And thanks to a few creative minds and a collaborative effort we [...]
Philly Marathon is BACK!
Well…THAT FELT GOOD. I don’t think I have clicked the SUBMIT button to register for a live and in person race since the 2019 NYC Marathon. It felt very good to pull the trigger on this year’s (half) @philly_marathon. This is one of my all time favorite races at one of my favorite times [...]
Also posted in running Tagged fallinphiladelphia, phillymarathon, running, runphilly Comments closed
The Long Run
My daughter Jennifer wrote this piece for a non-fiction & memoirs creative writing assignment. While I’ve lived every step of this journey in real time and in the first person, hearing a loved ones interpretation of these same events proved very moving for me. Hopefully you’ll appreciate it as well. Happily, the period of unemployment [...]
Hello Again
Well, well, well.
I am very guilty of being very neglectful of my site here, having not posted anything in what seems like a lifetime. Life has just been that crazy. I’ll try to bring you up to speed on a few things with the commitment to be better at updating going forward.
As we [...]
Happy Birthday Dad
It’s hard to believe you would have been 97 today and even harder to believe it’s been 15 years since you left this earthly existence. To say you are thought of every day and missed terribly are gross understatements. Your presence is very strong and I’m fortunate that the love and memories only grow stronger [...]
Living with CLL
I recently did an interview for Health Monitor and shared a few tips on living with a chronic and incurable cancer like chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Hopefully you enjoy reading it!
Movement Sports Magazine is BACK