Monthly Archives: May 2009

A Guy, His Dog, and Chocolate

OK, so this weekend I hit the shore with my bike and one of my dogs. There was a family bridal shower this weekend which kept the rest of the clan home. Just like the New Jersey Marathon a couple of weeks ago, I raced again in driving wind and rain.
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Don't Forget Your Chocolate

OK, I don’t mean chocolate as in the cocoa product. I mean chocolate in terms of doing special something for yourself that you love and are passionate about that also fills a void, and satisfies a need, or a sweet tooth.
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Never, Ever Forgotten

Here is a race report of a different color. Although the race referenced is the 2007 ChesapeakeMan Ultra Distance Triathlon, there is not much race detail in here. This report is an open letter to anyone who has ever lost someone meaningful in their lives.
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Slow Down and See More

One of the points that I made while speaking at the pre race pasta dinner at the New Jersey Marathon was how different your scenery and surroundings look when you run down a road versus when you drive a car down that same road.
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NJM = Wet and Wonderful

Marathons aren't supposed to be WET and wonderful but that's exactly what the New Jersey Marathon was this weekend.
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The Girl on the Train

Barb was an Amazon. She was capable of doing anything she set her sights on. She was a testimonial to Nike, the Greek goddess of victory.
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The Best Medicine

Well …. Saturday morning, we leave for Long Branch New Jersey to get settled in for Sunday’s New Jersey Marathon. I have mentioned before that my wife and I are both doing this with TEAM IN TRAINING to celebrate my remission, to remember my wife’s cousin and .... just because we can.
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"Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi
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