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Monthly Archives: September 2009
Sometimes Stuff Happens
The weekend started out like the other five “Chessyman” ultras that I have successfully completed. I got into Cambridge on Thursday, dropped my belongings at the gorgeous house we had rented from a friend and headed over to help out race director Rob Vigorito with registration.
Posted in ironman, leukemia & lymphoma society, team in training, triathlon Tagged chesapeakeman, motivation, team in training Comments closed
Off to the Races
I am packed, locked, and loaded for this weekend's ChesapeakeMan Ultra Distance Triathlon in Cambridge Maryland. Or I am at least packed
Brian Tells His Story
Brian Tells His Story ... In 2004, I was 39 years old and in the middle of a professional career as a public relations consultant when, during a routine physical, a massive tumor showed up on a chest X-Ray. A biopsy and scans indicated it was Stage IIIs Hogdkin's Lymphoma.
Posted in leukemia & lymphoma society Tagged cancer survivors, leukemia & lymphoma society Comments closed
Quote of the Week – #4
I have always admired the ability...
Remembering the Piper
One of my best memories of this race was always seeing a guy named Brad Schoener playing the bagpipes in full regalia on the Falls Bridge.
Thank You Roll Call
As I forge on in my fundraising effort with Ethan Zohn for the New York City Marathon, I want to pause for a minute to thank all who have contributed thus far. Thank you very much to the following people who have helped make a difference.
Bill Bowerman Quotes
Ethan shot me a Bill Bowerman quote today and that made me want to search for a few more….. Below are a few gems from the greatest running coach of all time, taken from the website of the greatest American runner of all time
Aligning Systems
As I look at the races that I have on my calendar between now and the end of November, I find myself in full system alignment mode. I am at that point where I am taking a lot of inventories and trying to determine what I have done right, what mistakes I may have made, and what I need to do to try to tie all of the pieces together.
Posted in ironman, motivation, racing, triathlon Tagged chesapeakeman, ironman, motivation, triathlon Comments closed
Struggles & Conflicts
I have been in a slight funk since returning from an amazing Labor Day weekend at the shore. That’s the main reason that I have been a little quiet this week. I have also been feeling like something was just a little off in the universe and I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on it. I knew something would eventually jolt my writing motivation, but I had no idea it would take the shape it did.
Posted in leukemia & lymphoma society, running Tagged cancer survivors, leukemia & lymphoma society, marathon Comments closed
Quote of the Week – #5