Monthly Archives: August 2010

Ethan Zohn & Steve Brown to Host Charity Soccer Clinic

Ethan Zohn and Steve Brown, in partnership with The Haverford Soccer Club, are hosting a soccer training session for Middle and High School aged boys and girls. The session will be held at YSC Sports on Main Street in Manayunk Pennsylvania on Sunday September 5th at 1pm. All clinic proceeds will benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
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Taking the First Step

Today, I'm sharing a story from Jackie Fiore, a young woman who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) when she was a student at Boston College.
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Philadelphia Marathon Nears Registration Capacity

The 17th annual Philadelphia Marathon is sprinting to the finish line and reaching its capacity, as organizers turn their efforts to making Philadelphia marathoning’s best host city. More than 20,000 runners, families, spectators and residents will enjoy an expanded calendar of Race Weekend activities.
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Laying Life’s Bricks

While I don’t always know exactly where I am headed, I typically have a pretty sound belief that the direction I am traveling is the “right” direction. I try my best not to leave too much litter and debris along these roads that I travel.
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XTERRA WETSUITS and Swim Across America Team Up to Fight Cancer

As America’s number one selling triathlon and open water swimming wetsuit and America’s premier open water swim series, XTERRA WETSUITS and Swim Across America (SAA) are proud to announce a partnership for the remainder of the 2010 season.
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2010 Philadelphia Marathon Weekend Events

The City of Philadelphia is gearing up to welcome more than 20,000 runners and more than 40,000 spectators for an even better schedule of events, which includes the Philadelphia Marathon, the Half Marathon, Rothman Institute 8K, Health & Fitness Expo, Kids Fun Run, Runners’ Pasta Party and more than 20 spectator Cheer Zones to catch all of the competition this November.
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Kelly Aneser – Honored Patient

TNT is truly an unforgettable experience, made even more meaningful by your honored patient - a local blood cancer survivor whose courage provides motivation and inspiration - a special partner whose challenge is greater than your own.
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I think people take on the challenge of endurance events because they love the challenge. They love the idea of pushing themselves, managing their own demons, and that incredible feeling of victory at the finish. (and victory can be defined very differently for every athlete). I was drawn in to the ironman because it scared me and I couldn’t conceive how the human mind, body, and spirit could endure 140.6 miles of racing. The more I didn’t understand it, the more I was drawn to it. And eventually I reached the point of magnetism as my coordinates locked on and the rest is history.
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A Message from Kareem

Many of you know that last November I partnered with Novartis Oncology and went public with my diagnosis of Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+ CML). Since then I have received an outpouring of support and want to thank you for your encouragement. Now I’m taking the next step to help educate the CML community.
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The Inspiration to Run

Six sisters train to honor seventh who died from lymphoma ...
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"Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi
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