Tag Archives: cabrini university

Cabrini Reunion

Great catching up with my old Cabrini buddy JK – Joe Kravitz to connect and score a few copies of Relentless Mettle. Grab your copy HERE! #cabrini #cabriniuniversity #cabrinialumni #survivor #relentless #relentlessmettle
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It was a Good Day

It was a good day yesterday. It was a really good day. Starting with a great mid-cycle check up with my oncolodoc. Blood levels look good, lymph nodes are retreating, and I am tolerating treatment very well. I wish I could put his reaction in a bottle for future use. He was genuinely  happy and [...]
Posted in cancer, health & fitness, leukemia & lymphoma society, survivor, team in training | Also tagged , , | Comments closed

Cabrini University Healing Mass

I have to tell folks about this because this is beyond cool and tugged on my heartstrings like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve spoken often about my Cabrini family which consists of lifelong friends, roommates, teammates, faculty, and staff. I’ve posted many stories about my experiences there and the amazing people I met. Cabrini was a [...]
Posted in cancer, motivation | Also tagged | Comments closed
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