Tag Archives: ing new york city marathon

GRS ING NYC Marathon Teammates

While I am very bummed at the fact that the NYC Marathon was just cancelled, I am more bummed at the fact that I won't be spending the weekend with Ethan Zohn and my Grassroot Soccer family. This year was GRS's 4th year at NY and I have been with them since the beginning. Ethan had asked if I would talk for a few minutes at our team dinner on Saturday night. And yes.... bummed to be missing that as well. But I thought the least I could do was put down a few words that I would probably want to say to my GRS teammates...
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Myrtle Beach Marathon Added to 2012 Races

So in an act of sheer whimsicalia (yep, made that up), MG and I decided last night to register for the Myrtle Beach Marathon. A friend of her’s had signed up and it looked interesting so …. we’re in. I’ve never run a marathon that early in the year but I am very much looking [...]
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