Too Many Too Few

Just a few words to a good friend as he prepares for this next round of battle. Although it was written for Ethan, it can easily serve as a battle cry for anyone going through their own situation.

Many too many play the “why me” card when it comes to things like cancer
They take the easy route and give in to the disease and all of the evil that goes with it
Many too many focus on what they don’t have and how much they hurt
They worry in vain about the hair or weight that they’ve lost
Many too many are anchors in their own healing process
And have no idea how much control they really have

Too few are those like you who can mentally, spiritually, and emotionally rise above it
They have the gift of being able to sift through the dirt until they find that ray of hope
Too few are those like you who can let that ray of hope guide them 
They lead by example and spread their message of hope and possibility for all to see
Too few are those like you with the courage to allow themselves to be truly seen
They may have patches of physical weakness but never do they really feel beaten

Just know that although this war may seem long, you are winning
Just understand that the team in your fox hole is larger than your wildest dreams
Just realize that you are helping countless people in their own struggles just by being
Just believe that this will soon be a speed bump in your rear view mirror
Just keep the perspective and the faith 
Just use this as a chance to continue to make a difference in this world

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  1. Posted December 21, 2009 at | Permalink

    This is amazing! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. Big day tomorrow….and the 29 following that. I will never quit or let this cancer back in.


  2. Posted December 21, 2009 at | Permalink

    the goalkeeper club….you guys make me proud…go get to it E!

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Linda Evans and Ethan Zohn, Susan Arcelay. Susan Arcelay said: RT @EthanZohn: A wonderful poem for me from Stephen Brown as I enter the bubble for 30 days. … [...]

  2. By uberVU - social comments on December 21, 2009 at

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by EthanZohn: A wonderful poem for me from Stephen Brown as I enter the bubble for 30 days.…

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