Show Your Love for Cancer Patients


With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, there’s no better way to show your love for cancer patients than by going Totally Baldacious. Register today and commit to shaving your head or coloring your hair to raise funds for life-saving cancer research. Go Totally Baldacious and help cure cancers!

Use the Be Baldacious widget or Facebook Application to tell your social networking friends and boldly show your solidarity with cancer patients and their families.

Begin by signing up on and start fundraising today! And if you’re already fundraising for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (through Team In Training, the Light The Night Walk or the Man & Woman of the Year campaigns), contact your campaign directors for tips on how to apply this concept to your fundraising goals.

Follow the @LLS Blog for daily posts on this campaign throughout February and send your stories and pics to with pride.

Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you for spreading the love!

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