Still in the Woods

I try to not have too much an opinion on certain topics simply because I would rather not fuel a fire that should never have been started in the first place. I am not even a fan of golf but I am a fan of people so in this situation, I feel the need to voice an opinion of Tiger Woods. I am not going to second guess, find fault, or criticize his actions or his moral compass. While I certainly don’t agree with any of it, I’d rather not dig around in his dumpster. He did what he did and his issues are now his, and his family’s to deal with.

My beef is aimed more at some of his loyal fans who are making the claim that what he does in his private life are personal and he owes no explanation or public apology to anyone. Wrong, wrong, and wrong. While I understand that people are entitled to their privacy, (to an extent), I also believe that when a public figure, such as Tiger Woods, engages in activity that is immoral, illegal, or otherwise not conducive to the behavior of a role model, then he absolutely owes the world a sincere apology and explanation. He owes his family an apology. He owes his sponsors an apology. He owes the media an apology and he owes fans of all ages an apology. 

When an athlete, or any such figure rises to that level of superstardom, he is expected to carry himself and present himself like a superstar. Maybe it’s a little unfair, but that’s the price that should come with the fame and the paycheck. If you want to be a superstar, act like one on and off the course. If you want to be a scum, then walk away and do not act fraudulently for the sake of the sport or the fans.

The same holds true for any other illegal, immoral, or even questionable activity if you are serving as a role model for millions. Get with the program.

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