Kelly Aneser – Honored Patient


TNT is truly an unforgettable experience, made even more meaningful by your honored patient – a local blood cancer survivor whose courage provides motivation and inspiration – a special partner whose challenge is greater than your own.

“A young family growing quickly, we had a three-year old boy, nineteen-month old Kelly, and eight-week old twins! Then in an instant, everything changed. A doctor visit with Kelly revealed that she had acute leukemia. Within three days, she had transfusions, a bone marrow aspiration and a port put into her chest for chemo. Try explaining that to a baby. Treatments lasted for a tough 2 1/2 years.

It may seem odd, but ten years later we look back at that time with gratitude. Research funded by LLS helped save our daughter’s life and today, Kelly leads a normal, happy and healthy life. I’m an LLS volunteer and a multiple Team In Training alum. I’m also compelled to ask you now: Please join us today! No child should have to go through cancer treatment. Help LLS find cures so they won’t have to.”

- Ken Aneser, Kelly’s dad

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