A Wish

If I could have just one wish… OK so maybe I can’t really articulate my desires into just one wish. But if I could conceptually change one way of thinking, it would be that we stop living life through the I, me, mine lens, and channel our energies into the fine arts of compassion and humility.

Rather than telling the world how hard you’ve trained, how fast you’ve raced, how lavish your possessions or how exotic your vacation may have been, let’s reflect on what we can do, and should do to make “equality” a little more equal, move the bar of acceptance, feed someone who is really hungry, help someone attain the tools of education, help someone feel safe and warm at night, express our love and appreciation of others, and focus our efforts into making a difference in the lives of others.

Every single person that you encounter every day of your life is facing some sort of struggle. Some people manage their struggles better than others. And struggles come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. But everyone is dealing with something. Be that shoulder that someone else needs. Demonstrate a random act of kindness for no other reason than you can.

Have compassion. Show compassion. Live compassion. Be compassion.

Changing one life can change a community. Changing a community can change a society. Changing a society can change the world.

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