Tag Archives: dennis mcnamara

We Remember

It is January 30th, and today marks the 8th year of the tragic killing of Upper Darby Police Officer Dennis McNamara. This year, Dennis was again remembered with a brief memorial service at Arlington Cemetery in Drexel Hill PA. Of course we had to stop by and we saw the usual faces....cop friends, detective buddies, local politicians, a reporter that we have become friendly with, and of course Dennis' widow and two kids were all there not to mourn, but to remember, embrace, and celebrate a life.
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An Ironman for an Officer

In January 2002, Upper Darby police officer Dennis McNamara was shot and killed while on duty. McNamara became the first officer killed in the line of duty in the town of Upper Darby. McNamara was a loving father, husband, musician, runner, good cop, and good man.
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