Tag Archives: scott tinley


The thing about racing sunsets is that in time the sunset will ultimately always win. In spite of our best efforts, and all the hope and belief we can muster, the sunset is going to win. But if we’re lucky, that sun can set with breathtaking beauty. The key is being able to enjoy that [...]
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Wide Open Doors

For quite some time now I have stood by the statement that my leukemia diagnosis has opened more doors than it has closed and created more opportunities than it has taken away. I truly believe that but thought it would be even more enlightening to write down just what some of these opportunities have been. [...]
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The Thing About ST

This weekend I had the pleasure of hanging out with one of the good ones. Check that – one of the great ones. Legendary triathlete Scott Tinley was in the Philadelphia area for a couple of events and I had the honor of hanging and being a part of the gatherings thanks to our mutual [...]
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A Little Scott Tinley Perspective

I was feeling particularly introspective, or insightful, or …. Something yesterday. Often times when those triggers start, I need to connect with a few key “go to” friends to help me affirm, refute, or process whatever is going on in my head. So yesterday I reached out to Scott Tinley. Below is my email and [...]
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Racing the Sunset

Don’t worry. You are not “normal”. I suspect you never were, and it’s unlikely that you ever will be and that’s a good thing. None of us are and we are proud to have you sit on the board of our abnormal council. The respect that I have for you as a triathlete is tremendous BUT it cannot hold a candle to the respect I have for you and your post competitive days and life outside of sport.
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On the Near Horizon

I wanted to let folks know that I have been brewing another book project over the last several months. This is simply another compilation of short stories, articles, and blog posts on various subjects relating to life, cancer, triathlon, people, and anything else that may have moved me. As well as a few pieces on some friends who were lost. I realize that’s quite a broad spectrum of subject matter, but those who know me will not be surprised by that.
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"Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi
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